What is a housing co-operative?
A Housing Co-operative is a type of landlord where members, or tenants, democratically manage their own homes. It’s simple really; the co-op buys and owns the homes and the members rent their own home from the co-op.
Renting from a co-operative means you get security with a long term tenancy and you have a real say in how the rent is spent.
As an added bonus our rents are much cheaper as we don’t employ staff so our overheads are low and all the money we make goes back into maintaining our properties. But, unlike ownership, if a large repair needs doing you don’t need to worry about the cost.
We don’t accept that renting is somehow not as good as home ownership.
There are many reasons why someone may choose to rent including flexibility and cost.
We don’t accept that because we provide low cost housing our members have to accept a low cost service.
Our properties are refurbished and maintained to a high standard and we have a quick response time for all repairs. We expect our contractors to respect you and your home and appointments are always offered if we need to carry out a repair.

Where we are
We have sixteen houses and twelve flats, all in the Great Lever area of Bolton.
All are on good transport links for the motorway and within walking distance of the main train station.
We are near to plenty of green space and local parks and are connected to some of the community groups that are active in our area.
How to join
We don’t operate a waiting list so we advertise all our vacancies as they come up, including on our Facebook Page.
Properties are allocated on housing need but we do give priority to those who are on a social housing waiting list and are genuinely interested in living in and helping to manage a housing co-operative.
If you’d like to find out more please get in touch.